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Is this driveshaft from an ABS car?
birdii - 6/6/06 at 06:46 PM

Probably a silly question but is this driveshaft from an ABS sierra?


I think it is but just want to make sure. The tooth area near the end is for the sensor pickup isn't it? Its off a V6 XR4x4 if that helps.
I phoned about wheel bearings today and apparantly its a different bearing for ABS or non ABS.
Thanks for the help!

A fulton - 6/6/06 at 06:52 PM

Yes its ABS shaft

birdii - 6/6/06 at 06:54 PM

Bu**er! That means the bearings are £24 instead of £18!
Looking at other peoples posts £24 isn't a bad price for XR4x4 bearings though.

natehall - 6/6/06 at 08:46 PM

the driveshafts are identical on a non abs disc reared sierra to a abs disc reared sierra its the stub shafts that are different

birdii - 7/6/06 at 08:38 AM

Must be the stub thats different. I doubt the bearing carrier is different either. I bet there isn't much in it. An extra £9 for each bearing though! I wonder why they decided that an ABS car needed a different bearing!

dave_w11 - 7/6/06 at 04:35 PM

Mine look just like that but are from a car that didn't have ABS. I'm expecting to need ABS bearings though.

Where did you get that price from?

birdii - 12/6/06 at 11:47 AM

I have bought the bearings now. The ones I got were from Partco and cost £24 + VAT each.
I have compared them to the old bearings and everything appears to be correct. There is also 2 nuts in each kit, a left and right hand thread. Bearings are Timkins in a Unipart box.
Maybe useful info to someone searching for bearings!

darrenga - 12/6/06 at 09:25 PM

you may have to grind the teeth of the driveshafts,had to on my mk indy.not hard to do with hand grinder