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DIY Tracking - how?
Ferrino - 19/7/06 at 09:08 AM

As a temporary measure (having it done professionally soon) I'd like to get my tracking set to parallel (ie. zero toe-in). What's the easiest way to do this?

I have heard of a method whereby you place 2 pieces of string along the sides of the car at roughly the height of the centre of the wheels and measure distance from string to front and rear of wheel rim. But how do you ensure the string is parallel to centre-line of the car?

Also, what's the easiest way of ensuring the steering rack is centralised? Just measure length of rod sticking out of each end?


Howlor - 19/7/06 at 09:20 AM

What you need to do is find the cars centre line. Then measure to ensure the string is parallel to the cars centre line. You can then easily set up both front and rear suspension. Once the wheels are at zero I would measure rim to say a suspension mount on each side to check everything is correct. This way the car should then drive straight with the wheel central.


02GF74 - 19/7/06 at 10:32 AM

I took a piece of wood and screwed on each end two shorter bits of wood, so it looks like |_________|

then on the short pieces screwed on some stiff wire - it can be bent to adjust tracking.

As the back of the inner side of the wheel is exposed, touch the rim atteh back and at the front mid-way up the wheel.

Hellfire - 19/7/06 at 11:13 AM

Like this

Fred W B - 19/7/06 at 11:15 AM

IF the track is the same front and back you can set up the strings by measuring from a point at the centre of the wheels. Must be equal front and rear. If track is different, correct by half the distance on the relevent end.


Fred W B