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Urgent sierra u/right Q.
gixxerpat - 14/4/07 at 10:29 AM

Im sure this has been covered here before somewhere but, i'm using sierra uprights and i need some info on castor angles,im not sure about the relation between top and bottom b.j's etc..anybody enlighten me.??

stevec - 14/4/07 at 10:34 AM

Looking down on it it.
Top behind the bottom.

JoelP - 14/4/07 at 12:35 PM

castor is the angle of a line drawn from upper to lower balljoint, from vertical when viewed from the side. Upper to the rear is the norm.

jambojeef - 14/4/07 at 01:39 PM

Yep as above - if you aim for the top balljoint to be about 20mm behind the bottom one (with a bit of adjustment either way if poss) you'll not be far off.


gixxerpat - 14/4/07 at 03:27 PM

Thanx guys ,great help..