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Cortina brake disk locktabs
chockymonster - 20/6/07 at 03:20 PM


One of the locktabs on my cortina hubs has lost both of it's locking bits which is obviously bad.

A kind soul has suggested using spring washers instead, now I hate spring washers with a passion so I'm not sure what to use. Would blue or red loctite be ok?

My local ford dealer are next to useless and can't supply replacement tabs and have suggested spring washers as that's what Ford used late on in the life of the cortina.

02GF74 - 20/6/07 at 03:24 PM

loctite then mark bolt head at 12 o'clock with paint and observe before each drive.

if the mark moves, we need to think again.

but then again the tabs and brake pipe braket shouldn't be that diffictul to make up - have you tried biggred if they sell them?

flak monkey - 20/6/07 at 03:32 PM

They were still available from Ford 18months ago...

Otherwise they need to be lockwired.

Loctite isnt a good idea as it will let go once it gets hot. I would avoid spring washers too...


[Edited on 20/6/07 by flak monkey]

panichat - 20/6/07 at 03:46 PM

...on ebay a couple of weeks ago.
Not expensive. Would also be easy to make.

twybrow - 20/6/07 at 03:55 PM

I too bought some off ebay a few weeks ago. Alternatively someone on here has a template for them. Find it, print it out and cut your own.

Fatgadget - 20/6/07 at 03:57 PM

Wire lock the bolts with one of these

Mal - 20/6/07 at 05:34 PM

I use Nordlock washers on my discs.
These are pairs of washers. One face has serrations which grip the metal and the
sides of the washer which is in contact with its mating washer have a series of stepped ramps to resist rotation.
RS components may also sell them.


NS Dev - 20/6/07 at 05:52 PM

I used loctite (green not blue, much stronger stuff and more heat resistant)and a torque wrench, no probs yet (400 miles only though)

SVA man was happy with this and loctite on the caliper bolts too.

chockymonster - 22/6/07 at 12:06 PM

I've just uncovered a load of schnoor washers, similar to a belleville washer but they have lots of serated grooves to grip against both surfaces.

Those along with the remnants of the tab thingies and some loctite should do the trick. I'm going to mark the surfaces so I can tell if there is any movement.

NS Dev - 22/6/07 at 05:29 PM

don't bother with the bits of locktab, the shnorr washers are brill, they are much better than anything else but not easy to get hold of!

Thye use them on vibratory road rollers ect to stop em falling apart

chockymonster - 23/6/07 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
don't bother with the bits of locktab, the shnorr washers are brill, they are much better than anything else but not easy to get hold of!

Thye use them on vibratory road rollers ect to stop em falling apart

I walked into my local fastener place and it was the only type of lock washer he had!

Triggsy - 23/6/07 at 04:31 PM

Westfield do them
