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Sierra 4x4 Rear Hub Grease
MK Goldrush - 1/9/03 at 01:28 PM

Could anyone give me the answer to:

"What is considered to be the best method for Hub cleaning and what cleaning fluid to use?"

"What is the most suitable Grease to re-pack cleaned Hub's with?"


MK Goldrush - 2/9/03 at 03:47 PM

Can I take it that MD Grease is best for anything with Roller/Taper/Needle Bearings?

Rorty - 3/9/03 at 02:33 AM

I'm not a petro-chemical engineer, but AFAIK, there are various high temperature greases around, but those containing MD, would also have the benefit of extreme pressure resistance.
I would be happy using an MD type grease in wheel bearings.

mreveready - 3/9/03 at 04:45 PM

Don't forget to ensure it is viscostatic.

That is it gets more fluid in the cold temperatures and thickens when hot.

Agree with the high pressure, you can get grease at 1500kg per cm.

Lubricants are possibly the most important part of your car.