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andya - 18/6/02 at 02:44 PM

Hi All
the Herald bushes in the book are 39mm in length which means a gap of 1.5mm between the bushes and the inside of the bracket.
should there be a gap or should the brackets pinch agaist the centre tube of the bush?


theconrodkid - 18/6/02 at 06:05 PM

You are suposed to use washers at each end of the bush

andya - 18/6/02 at 07:29 PM

So the bush is fixed in position and the suspension movement is in the rubber itself?

JohnFol - 18/6/02 at 07:33 PM

I've nothing to contribute but am interested in the answer. This is the only way I can indicate "Receive email notification of new replies? "

sorry for false hopes

interestedparty - 18/6/02 at 08:10 PM

Have a look at the posting 'How bushes are supposed to work', it's a few posts back in Running Gear