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Where to buy polybushes, shocks and steering rack
Malox - 4/1/08 at 02:50 PM

Can anyone provide me with a nmae of a company that stocks following parts ready for delivery?
Polybush kit, Protech shocks, and lefthand quick- steeringrack.
I need it now.
I already bought it once at 6th of November.... well I paid for the stuff, but I dont receive the goods, nor a time of delivery.
So pls let me know if you're famililar with a company having this in stock.

blakep82 - 4/1/08 at 02:52 PM

i assume its an escort quickrack you're after, they can have you sorted, along with the bushes (i think) but i don't think they do protech shocks. they do gaz though

cidersurfer - 4/1/08 at 03:06 PM

MNR for Protech shocks
Rallydesign for quickrack

Malox - 4/1/08 at 03:15 PM

Oh thanks guys.
I just prefer a place where I can get all parts from one source as shipping cost to DK are very high.

davidosullivan - 4/1/08 at 03:38 PM

Worth shopping around.. I'm looking for shocks and prices vary by 100 pounds sterling!

thats two fifths of a car!

Malox - 4/1/08 at 03:43 PM

Yes I know, but right now its just important to get the parts as my project plan has been destroyed with 4 weeks, because of these parts missing...... And I thought I had the stuff almost 6 weeks ago

davidosullivan - 4/1/08 at 03:57 PM

"Aparently" protech are quite busy as they're getting ready for race season (I have no idea as I dont race, but thats what someone told me)

Good Luck.