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replacing drum bleed nipple
madmandegge - 12/5/08 at 12:04 PM

Hi all,

Went to bleed the brakes on my recently purchased MK, one of the rear nipples is non-functional. I can't rotate it, have even tried locked mole grips and they just "eat" into the nipple, it won't shift.

Is it possible to replace them? Sorry for the noobie question

TIA! Simon

cjtheman - 12/5/08 at 12:20 PM

yes they can be replaced if you cant get it out by unthreading it you could always replace the wheel cylinder not to expensive i have spare escort one and cortina ones if that would help

mookaloid - 12/5/08 at 12:35 PM

I generally find it's not worth messing about with that - if the nipple is that far gone then the rest of the wheel cylinder is probably not far off being sha**ed.

Just buy a new one and fit it they aren't a lot of money and it's easy enough to do .



Coose - 12/5/08 at 12:44 PM

And don't forget to copper grease the threads on the new bleed nipple!

mookaloid - 12/5/08 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Coose
And don't forget to copper grease the threads on the new bleed nipple!

Good point

RichardK - 12/5/08 at 01:55 PM

b0ll%cks, guess what I've forgot to do


britishtrident - 12/5/08 at 02:34 PM

Just bleed through the pipe --
Hold pedal down and close the nipple at the end of each stroke.

tks - 12/5/08 at 06:36 PM

copper grease?? with brake fluid???

i would replace both sides then since the cilinders then are identical...


IndyJohn - 14/5/08 at 01:56 PM

I had that problem so I replaced the other 3 and then gave the new owner 2 spare nipples for the one i could not get out