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one fan or 2???
markrally73 - 25/5/08 at 06:03 PM

Im having trouble keeping my BEC cool when going hard for a long period or in traffic on hot days
I current have a 400 x 300 x 30 radiator from a fiat uno but i am planning to fit a 525 x 330 x 35 mm rad from a diesel polo.
I dont know wheter to fit one 12" cooling fan on the back or fit 2 9" fans on the back, the current draw between the options is hardly any different but the area being cooled is larger?
I am also planning to fit an electric booster pump to get the flow going a bit more as its a rear engined car.

Whats your thoughts??

britishtrident - 25/5/08 at 06:58 PM

Rimmer brothers have 11" fan assemblies at less than 15 pounds --- left overs from Rover SD1 production in India.

It might be an idea to fit an engine bay fan as on a bike engine a lot of the cooling is done by air flow around the engine and by the engine oil.

Also are your flow and return pipes to the front rad well seperated.

nitram38 - 25/5/08 at 07:42 PM

Can you source a thicker rad?
Have you compared your rad to the original one?
You might find that it is the thickness of the core that is the problem.

markrally73 - 25/5/08 at 10:23 PM

there is no original item available as its a kit car so to speak.

Here is the installation as it is now

part of the problem is that there aint much room for the air to get out behind the rad but it doesnt overheat on general motoring about, just want it safe for the track really


nitram38 - 25/5/08 at 10:47 PM

Putting a shroud around the front of the rad might help stop the hot air re-circulating.

Fred W B - 26/5/08 at 05:57 AM

I think you need to worry about where the air goes after it has been through the rad. - its all about getting flow through the rad and that tank is getting in the way


Fred W B

britishtrident - 26/5/08 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Fred W B
I think you need to worry about where the air goes after it has been through the rad. - its all about getting flow through the rad and that tank is getting in the way


Fred W B

Exactly my thoughts -- you need to provide a clear unobstructed exit path into a low pressure zone --- that really means the wheel arches or underneath the car --- take a look at steel shell special saloon racer Imps of circa 1970 era.

02GF74 - 27/5/08 at 07:45 AM

pardon my Finnish .

A picture is worth a thousand words.

What you have there is never gonna work. You are blocking off the air flow to the fan/radiaotr with that shiny metal box.

Get rid off the box first before fitting radiators and fans.

Jon Ison - 27/5/08 at 02:55 PM

If at all possible I would be looking to move the radiator to the rear of the car, side scoop/duct air in and out the back, you have as already said next to no flow through there and its airflow you need.

Another option may be to move the rad up rotating it and duct air in the front and out the top of the bonnet ?

edit to add, Not sure preheating the fuel like that is a good idea also, unless your running vegi oil in a oil burner, sorry the post comes across negative because the car looks well built/constructed but that rad install is a 100% no no form where I'm sitting.......

[Edited on 27/5/08 by Jon Ison]