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Swap wheels from back to front?
Humbug - 16/6/08 at 02:35 PM

I have had my car on the road for nearly 3 years and I've noticed that the front tyres have worn quite a bit more than the rears. They are all wearing evenly, and one of them is close to the marker bars yet, but I am wondering whether I should swap the wheel around so the ones with more tread are on the front.




graememk - 16/6/08 at 02:36 PM

i like to have the better tred at the rear on my car

Paul TigerB6 - 16/6/08 at 02:39 PM

Nahhhhh - you just need to use loads more power away from the traffic lights to "scrub" your tyres to keep the wear level at the same rate as the front. Thats what i used to do!!

speedyxjs - 16/6/08 at 02:50 PM

As above
Seriously the last thing you want to do is have near worn tires on the rear. Especially in a sevenesque rear drive car. You would have no grip in the rain

pewe - 16/6/08 at 02:51 PM

Some say the new ones on the rear as the back will then break away last.
IMO I'd rather have more tread on the fronts partic. in the wet as more tread = less chance of aquaplaning plus better wet weather braking. Also more chance of catching the back if it does go rather than trying to catch the front.
Some tyre depots won't put news on the front but according to a mate who was Performance Director at one well-known British tyre manufacturer then a well-know Korean one both their preferences were for new fronts.
Chaque un a son goo as Dell-boy used to say.
Cheers, Pewe

Mr Whippy - 16/6/08 at 02:53 PM

I always have the best tread at the front so that they clear the road off water for the lesser treaded rear tires to cope more easily. Only downside is when you go round a tight corner you can come unstuck and end up in a spin, though you can put the boot down and spin the rain off the rear tire if it starts to aquaplane.

[Edited on 16/6/08 by Mr Whippy]

will121 - 16/6/08 at 03:12 PM

think it depends a bit on wether you are generally a fair weather driver, if so should be ok either way, also as some dont do to many miles tyres need replacing as side wall start to crack before getting worn out, just bear in mind all you are doing is ending up buying 4 at once in another couple of years time instead of two now.

Richard Quinn - 16/6/08 at 08:10 PM

When I had my Fronty (which was rwd in 2wd) the handbook said to have the tyres with most tread on the front.

Bob C - 16/6/08 at 08:28 PM

Genius Mr Whippy - I'll start practising right away!!!