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Wishbone Sizes.
The Baron - 6/8/08 at 04:31 PM

I have a problem.........
My car handles like a dog (very twitchy). I have done careful measuring, and have determined that my front track is 80mm narrower per side (160mm total seems a lot to me).

I am using a original book chassis, MKII escort back axel with 20mm wheel spacers each side (which can’t be removed, long story).

I m also using book front wishbones with Sierra uprights.


Does any one know the sizes of the GTS panther wishbones, years ago it was possible to get the drawing but i can’t seem to find any no. or are the new Haynes ones the same?

I guess for good all-round handling, I want the front track to be the same (possibly just under) the same as the rear?

PS. if i do go the route of using the Haynes wishbones, does anyone know a good supplier of these at a fair price?

[Edited on 6/8/08 by The Baron]

scutter - 6/8/08 at 06:19 PM

I think you're problem lies with the fact your using Sierra uprights, the front geometry was based on a Cortina upright.

I'm sure someone will be along with the exact differances soon

I ran with a 4" narrower front end until recently it turned well, but that was only 49mm per side.


Mr G - 6/8/08 at 08:47 PM

A previous thread I posted on

Mansfield - 6/8/08 at 10:22 PM

Scutter is right, if you have book suspension mounts then you should have positive camber (top of wheel further out than bottom) when using book bones with Sierra uprights. The bottom bone needs to be 30mm longer than book to bring the upright itno the right camber range. Casarva sell longer bottom bones or pairs for wide track conversions using Sierra uprights.