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any one used one of these
tjoh84 - 20/9/08 at 08:03 PM

have any of you used on of these as want slip diff as the r1 chewed my standard diff in about 300 miles


Paul TigerB6 - 20/9/08 at 08:08 PM

I had a Quaiffe ATB in the Cortina axle of my old Zetec Super 6 and found it superb. Great for lighting up both rear tyres and driving like a hooligan (on private roads officer). Well recommended from this end anyway.

tjoh84 - 20/9/08 at 08:10 PM

just want it to last this time as look at the weather and my car is in a garage up on the ramps

Paul TigerB6 - 20/9/08 at 08:19 PM

I used and abused mine for 6 years with 170-odd bhp and a decent amount more torque than an R1, with never a single issue. Think you will be safe with that one anyway.

It took me about 2 hours to swap the diffs over with the axle in the car so not such a bad job either (so long as you can find the threadlock!! Still remember hunting for half an hour and thats about 8 years ago!!)

bill132hotrod - 20/9/08 at 08:25 PM

Hi Iused an ATB in a grass track Vauxhall powered Mini for 6 yrs , and i broke about 5 gearboxes and swapped the diff over every time with no issues at all then sold it on to someone with a rally car and got 3/4 of the cos back .
Quaife told me that i would never brake it bring it back when i wore it out .
So there you go you cannot brake them.
Regards BILL

cossiebri - 20/9/08 at 08:29 PM

A friend of mine has got one on his mk2 cossie powered van! thought he broke it after a full day at santa pod- it was the crush washer that needed replacing ,nothing wrong with the diff.Oh it's also running stage 3 at 323 bhp

Yuotube linky

tjoh84 - 21/9/08 at 07:52 AM

hiya thanks for all your help think i will now have to go and buy one and get my beast on the road might also have to get a rs diff at same time