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can someone make me an ally dash pannel?
daniel mason - 18/8/10 at 07:29 PM

as above, i am after a small dash pannel in ally for me to mount over my clocks .i am mounting my clocks (s2000) into my dash (grp) and want to cover over it all in ally.
it will need a semi circular cutout and is not something i would wish to attempt myself. i can get dimensions and am open to suggestions on thickness etc. thanks and i will pay by paypal in advance if needed

andyw7de - 18/8/10 at 07:35 PM

send me your sketch of what yo need and Ill watercut one for you



U2U sent

bmseven - 19/8/10 at 10:23 AM

I can reccomend Andy excellent service and turnaround at a great price

RK - 20/8/10 at 10:27 PM

No. Make it yourself.

Oh, sorry, you said you didn't want to. My apologies. But honestly, with a bit of tin snipping, filing and sanding, it isn't that hard.