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Trimming grp seats
scoop - 27/5/11 at 09:42 AM

Hi, just got my JK seats. Gorgeous. But, they are just too wide by a couple of mm which will stop me easily slidding the seat back and forth. Its the bits either side of your thighs where the seat is widest and causing the problems. Is it safe to sand these edges a bit thinner or by some other method?

scoop - 27/5/11 at 01:25 PM

100 views and no replies!
Ive done it anyway and its fine. For those that didnt know

Strontium Dog - 27/5/11 at 02:25 PM

Hi, I don't know your seats but if you only need a couple of mm then a mm you should be OK. If it is gel coat you may well go through but if it is for clearance and not in a place it will be seen then that shouldn't matter but a little gloss paint to seal any exposed fibre strands would be a good idea! Hope that helps!

At least to put your mind at rest anyway! Lol

[Edited on 27/5/11 by Strontium Dog]

scoop - 28/5/11 at 11:40 AM

The supplier maust have spent ages putting somethinf like sikaflex on every edge so i will put some of that on again. Thanks for your reply.