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Bucket seat dimensions/angle
MBrown - 23/3/22 at 11:03 PM

Hi all, I'm looking to make a bucket seat out of plywood for a sim rig I am making, can anyone confirm what angle the back rest is from the base of their bucket seat? Alternatively if you were to measure say 30cm from the back of the base, and then 30cm up the back rest, what is the measurement between those two points and I can then work it out? Thank you

[Edited on 23/3/22 by MBrown]

Mr Whippy - 24/3/22 at 07:23 AM

I would suggest just going to your local car breakers and picking a nice seat from there. At least it would be reclining, even leather and they are usually not very expensive.

Sanzomat - 24/3/22 at 07:28 AM

As above, but check ebay and gumtree. I built a sim and got a really nice pair of Honda Integra seats locally for just a fiver. One went on the sim and the other one made a decent desk chair using the base from and old one and a bit of steel framing.

MBrown - 24/3/22 at 08:04 AM

I've been looking at ebay for a while and the cheapest I have seen is about £60 for a tatty drivers seat, I'll keep looking 👍

Teflonsteve - 26/3/22 at 03:16 PM

Have a look at Kirkey racing seats website.

Fred W B - 27/3/22 at 07:57 AM

20 degrees seems to be the default angle for a layback bucket.



MBrown - 27/3/22 at 09:06 AM

Brilliant thank you, when I bought my last seats for my Haynes Roadster I got them £100 each, now a bucket seat is about £250 and up, probably worth it but a diy one at a fraction of the cost could be a bit of fun to do

designer - 29/3/22 at 10:09 AM

I have an aluminium seat pattern if you want a copy?

MBrown - 29/3/22 at 10:27 AM

Yes please, that would be helpful and could be worth a go 😁