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MAC1 seats
David Jenkins - 28/6/05 at 08:44 AM

Has anyone fitted MAC1 seats?

I sat in someone's car on the MAC1 stand at Newark (thanks, whoever the owner is!) and was really impressed with the comfort of the seats.

Considering that it's only a fibreglass shell with a few thin pads, it immediately felt "right", if you know what I mean. Snuggled into the car, nicely located with no "hard spots" under my bum that would rapidly get uncomfortable.

Can these be fitted straight onto the floor, or would I need extra brackets?

The only thing that put me off was the amount of cash (around £260 for a pair) but they're still cheaper than the Richfields I saw there (and I wasn't over-impressed with them).


mac1ZR - 28/6/05 at 09:24 AM

we have them and they are really good, they hold you in your seat as there are shoulder supports.bolt straight onto the floor.

DarrenW - 28/6/05 at 10:17 AM

I tried a few seats last year when i was selecting a kit manufacturer. A lot of the other seats i tried were too narrow in the shoulders and not too comfortable. I had a demo in Mac#1 car (out for about 40 mins) and the seats felt great with the trimmed inserts. I have them fitted in my ZR nor and cant fault them. Id defo recomment them. Ive bolted mine straight to the floor. ive slotted the drivers side floor as well so that there will be a little adjustment at track days etc (albeit by loosening the 4 bolts first etc).

I got them done in the same blue as the cars body as well which was a bonus. Only regret is that i didnt get any carbon inserts fitted for 'the look'.

Triton - 28/6/05 at 07:23 PM

What more can i say apart from they are the same seat.....

David Jenkins - 28/6/05 at 09:36 PM

Rats! - too short notice, no spare cash at this time (certainly not in the next 17 or so hours!)
...but I'll bear you in mind in a little while.

[Edited on 28/6/05 by David Jenkins]

Guinness - 28/6/05 at 10:18 PM

I've just fitted a pair of Triton's seats. They are really good.

You can use them as a bare shell for track days etc and then insert the secondary shells with pads for touring etc.

I'll post some pics when they are finished.

I might even get a second base and back pad so I can really thicken the padding for the young 'un.



Triton - 29/6/05 at 06:38 AM

Ebay can be weird at times but i have found it a really good place to sell the seats so tend to relist .....just check back when you are ready.
They can be done in yellow to match your bodywork ....

David Jenkins - 29/6/05 at 08:07 AM

I reckon yellow seats might just a bit OTT!

Are you still operating out of the farmyard near Peterboro'?


Triton - 29/6/05 at 06:00 PM

Northampton.......well sort of.

Triton - 29/6/05 at 06:11 PM

Picture of those low back seats for you mate.

Mark Rescued attachment eleven cockpit2.jpg
Rescued attachment eleven cockpit2.jpg

Avoneer - 29/6/05 at 08:56 PM

Cheer Mark,
Me likey a lot!

David Jenkins - 30/6/05 at 07:35 AM

Last couple of questions!

How are the padded inserts held into the seat shell?


How have people covered the inserts?



[Edited on 30/6/05 by David Jenkins]

DarrenW - 30/6/05 at 08:03 AM

Covering - cut foam to size, stretch vinyl over and hot melt adhesive to secure. Dont know what foam is best but id be tempted to put on a layer of hippy roll before fitting the vinyl (OEM seats often use thin layer of stronger stuff before top covering to spread the load).

Fixing - velcro, soft side on the seat.

David Jenkins - 30/6/05 at 08:16 AM


DarrenW - 30/6/05 at 08:25 AM

Just thought - locost way. Go to scrappy, find jag or similar with leather seats. you could use the leather and also the seat cushion material. If you find a sporty number with firmer seats they may have better foam (ive dismantled a Mercedes Cosworth seat before and even after 12years the cushion was very supportive).

If you are lucky you may find a snazzy micra etc interior!!

Triton - 30/6/05 at 05:49 PM

Lower insert holds itself unless you feel the need to use velcro, the back one could be done the same but i would be tempted to bond a button headed bolt(when covered it will be hidden) to the insert then it can be held in place more secure....drill thru both the insert and seat first they line up....dork here didn't on his and swore a bit when they never lined up properly....

David Jenkins - 2/7/05 at 08:07 PM

Well, the order's in...

...stand by for fancy seats!


David Jenkins - 7/7/05 at 08:30 AM

Got 'em! Ordered Friday, shipped Tuesday, arrived Wednesday morning - can't complain about that service!

Very pleased with the quality (but not surprised - I've already got their GRP nosecone & wings).

Just one or two questions:

Q1: Have people taken their full harness lap-strap over the side of the seat, or did you make a hole in the bottom corner?

Q2: How much padding did you put on the inserts? I'd guess that "bigrich's" car on the MNR stand at Newark had about 1/2" on the back and 1" on the seat. Very comfy.

Mind you, they're comfortable without the inserts, but I'm not sure what they're be like on a bumpy road!


bob - 7/7/05 at 10:07 AM

I feel a winter project coming on,my baby cub seats are atarting to play havock with my back on long journeys

David Jenkins - 7/7/05 at 11:56 AM

...I'm giving up on the Baby Cubs as well!

They're actually decent seats, far more comfortable than you'd expect from such a skinny perch, it's just that I wanted something that would give me a bit more legroom by moving my bum further back - which it does - so much so that I might have to move the seat forward a bit from the fully rearward position!


bob - 7/7/05 at 12:11 PM

Same reasons for me too,i have travelled in conrods car with the fibreglass seats in and find them very comfortable do push you back that extra 2 or 3 inches maybe more.

Also i have only just manged to dry out the foam from the baby cub seats after my return trip from the festival of speed in a downpour so the glass seats would suit our summers

David Jenkins - 8/7/05 at 10:57 AM

Any comments from anyone on the padding?


Triton - 8/7/05 at 05:07 PM

Neoprene then either vinyl stuff or if you are feeling flush....alcantra suedy stuff.

theconrodkid - 8/7/05 at 05:31 PM

go to somewhere like halfrauds and get some aero bubble stylie granny seat covers,couple of quid each and soooooo cumfy

Peteff - 8/7/05 at 07:53 PM

I bet you tuck your vest into your underpants as well. I've been looking for these and can't find them, I'll have a look in Alfreds next time I'm in town.

Triton - 8/7/05 at 08:38 PM

See if you can find that stuff they use on bike seat humps....nice and warm on the butt too

Avoneer - 8/7/05 at 11:20 PM

Anyone got any pics on how they have trimmed there's?

I've got one of the lowback variety's and another on it way.

Top quality and comfy too - much better position / angle than most of the GRP seats.

Will post some pics once they both arrive and are in the car.
