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Central mirror recommendations
blockhead_rich - 29/7/05 at 07:50 PM

Hi folks

Can any one recommend a rear view mirror that I could fit to my scuttle and which is SVA compliant? Must look good and I would prefer either a chrome or black / carbon finish.

Be handy to know who the best / cheapest sources are too!

Goes without saying that a pic' is worth a 1000 words!

Thanks in advance.


David Jenkins - 29/7/05 at 09:59 PM

I made my own...

Take a typical commercial mirror (e.g. Sierra) and cut it on the stem, leaving a short peg. Make a base plate with all the right edges, drill a hole, insert a piece of ali rod. make a 90 degree bend near the top, and drill a hole just big enough for the mirror's peg. Glue the whole thing together with epoxy or Loctite 601.

You have a SVA-compliant mirror!

I can take pictures if you really want...


nick205 - 30/7/05 at 10:29 AM


Can you post a pic as I'm planning something similar with my Sierra mirror - always useful to see how someone else has done it


lenny - 30/7/05 at 02:02 PM

S/Steel thin pipe12mm bend 90%and cut to the hight you req , tig to S/steel plate glue "ball end " and that is it . made 2 one long other short with same hole position in plate ,will try the long for SVA Lenny Rescued attachment mirrors.JPG
Rescued attachment mirrors.JPG

David Jenkins - 30/7/05 at 08:37 PM

Mine looks very similar to Lenny's example.

The only difference is that I made the joins to a faily close fit, and glued it together with Loctite 601 - a seriously strong adhesive. Rescued attachment dscf0006.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0006.jpg

David Jenkins - 30/7/05 at 08:37 PM

And another... Rescued attachment dscf0007.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0007.jpg

David Jenkins - 30/7/05 at 08:38 PM

and another... Rescued attachment dscf0008.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0008.jpg

Mave - 1/8/05 at 05:57 PM

How about the 20 pounds RaceTech kitcar centre mirror from Demon Tweeks? It looks wel made.

johnjulie - 16/8/05 at 06:43 PM

Have a look at:
Cheers John

Slater - 28/5/08 at 08:25 AM

Very good ideas here, I will do something similar myself.