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seat mounts
kev R1 - 1/12/05 at 06:11 PM

in my previous mk i mounted my triton seats directly onto the alli floor with strengthening and load spreading washers, this worked fine but would it be ok for sva as i need the extra leg room?

Humbug - 1/12/05 at 06:33 PM

For my SVA I had fibreglass shelled seats bolted directly to the (steel) floor, with big washers on the underside. I would imagine an ali floor with strengthening should be fine

Hellfire - 1/12/05 at 06:35 PM

Hi Kev. Its difficult to say without knowing exactly how you intend doing them. Why not just fit runners to the seat? Its easy enough and they can be removed post SVA if you're concerned about their weight

shortie - 1/12/05 at 08:36 PM

My MK seats are bolted straight to the ali floor with big square washers and passed SVA fine.


emsfactory - 2/12/05 at 12:18 AM

My sva guy was not concerned about how the seat was mounted. More interested in the seat belt mounts.

kev R1 - 2/12/05 at 06:05 PM

thats fine then, i don't want to put runners on as it makes it sit higher, and doesn't seem to go far enough back,and at 6'2" i need all the leg room i can get!!!!

not bothered about adjustment as i'm selfish and no=one else is going to get to drive it anyway!!!!!!!