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Electric fan heaters
Humbug - 30/12/05 at 11:15 PM

Given the temperatures we've been having, a car with no heater is a bit parky!

Has anyone used the small 12v heaters - are they any good, and how would I wire in a lighter socket to power one?

e.g. (Mini Fan heater 12v)

emsfactory - 30/12/05 at 11:21 PM

You could cut off the cig lighter part from the heater and hard wire it in.

Bob C - 30/12/05 at 11:22 PM

I tried to use one as a demister many moons ago.
It was completely and useless.
I guess a car heater on low is belting out a kilowatt or so - that would be 83 amps!
A colleague used a 12V hair drier (!!!) with success as rear demist in a dutton sierra (or so he claims - never saw it myself!)

caber - 30/12/05 at 11:37 PM

I agree I bought one for my Land ROver, worse than useless! I think you get between 2Kw and 4 Kw out a normal car heater you could always try plumbing some copper tube in around the seat and under your and passengers legs and feed from heater take off, you can always take it out in the summer!


k33ts - 31/12/05 at 12:36 AM

they use the 12v hair dryers alot in beetles for demisting.
wouldnt keep you warm though in this weather!!!!