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Securon Harnesses
Mix - 19/1/06 at 12:43 PM

I've been offered some of these at what seems like a very good price and am just wondering if anyone has had any good / bad experiences of them. They have a label stitched to each harness set with E numbers on it, is this the normal way of showing they are compliant?

Thanks Mick

spaximus - 19/1/06 at 12:54 PM

These are absolutly top class, they make for some very well known "branded" makes. It depends on what you want them for as to the label. You can get some which have a push button release which are E marked and pass SVA. The twist buckle release is FIA standard but will not go through some SVA stations as the wording on belts is something like "they must be able to fully disengage with one hand". If you call the factory in Amersham they will send you details.

smart51 - 19/1/06 at 03:39 PM

I have secuon harnesses. I have had no problems with them. Mine are BS marked rather than E marked. SVA man said that that was just fine.

kev R1 - 19/1/06 at 05:23 PM

ive got securons bit worried about sva with the turnbuckle thing though, can get you a really good price on them if you let me know the number ie mine are: sec692 .kev Rescued attachment 4 point harnesses web 2.JPG
Rescued attachment 4 point harnesses web 2.JPG