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emsfactory - 3/5/06 at 10:49 AM

Sent an email and had no response.
Please get in touch.

Avoneer - 3/5/06 at 11:01 AM

Think he's having problems with the t'internet at the moment.


nige - 3/5/06 at 11:11 AM

he,s damaged his shoulder
thats his prob with tinter , cant type

MikeR - 3/5/06 at 11:57 AM

tell him to take some blue smarties and type with his fingers like the rest of us!

flak monkey - 3/5/06 at 12:00 PM

Yeah, he hasnt been online for a while (since 25th April). And when he does i should think it will take him a while to catch up.

Oh yeah and he damaged his shoulder a couple of weeks ago, so doubt he has been up to much.

miserableoldgit - 3/5/06 at 04:41 PM

He also has some family problems.

I've been waiting on some wings since January, he has replied once.

I think he is trying to resolve everything (I hope), but I agree - the odd email would be nice.

Deckman001 - 3/5/06 at 05:52 PM

He has no internet at the moment, a combination of ISP and then him not giving them the right reconection info has meant he has to wait a while to get reconected, that's what he told me anyway
