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carpet fitting
omega0684 - 9/7/06 at 05:31 PM

evening all,

i have hit a bit of a stumbling block in one area of the car so im going to make some templates and cut some of the carpet to fit later on tonight,

my question is how have people gone about cutting their carpet for their cars, do you lot have any tips for stopping carpet from fraying etc and what is the best way to fit the carpet

ATB Alex

DIY Si - 9/7/06 at 05:33 PM

Carpet!???!!!!! You big girl. Take it out, it'll only slow you down!
No help I know, but then I don't have any carpet either.

3GEComponents - 9/7/06 at 05:44 PM

As Si says, don't do it!

If you want luxury buy a Range Rover.

DIY Si - 9/7/06 at 05:46 PM


If you want luxury buy a Range Rover

Only if your name is BPEsso McShell.

JoelP - 9/7/06 at 05:46 PM

assuming you're using a car engine, carpet is a nice touch. A bit of warmth, less vibration, it can go a long way on a long journey.

DIY Si - 9/7/06 at 05:47 PM

But then it rains..... That's the reason I don't have any. Got caught out last night and had to sit in a puddle as it was.

stevec - 9/7/06 at 05:48 PM

When are you fitting the net curtains Alex?

SixedUp - 9/7/06 at 06:17 PM

Any decent carpet place ought to be able to get it "whipped" (sp?) for you. Its what they do when someone wants a loose-lay carpet (like a very large custom-made rug!)

It basically involves finishing off the edges by sewing thick cotton through and around the edge very tightly. Should do exactly what you want, but I suspect it wont be cheap ...


omega0684 - 9/7/06 at 09:17 PM

well guys it looks like i have a few comments to reply to here doesn't it

Si - well Si if you are going to have a little jab, i think that i will have to get you with a round house we'll have to start calling you the water boy, since you love driving in the rain so much! or is it just that you STILL cant take the power of that crotch rocket that you claim to have undernieth you bonnet

Steve - the curtains will go up after i put the side screens on then i was thinking about a mini fridge and microwave for a few further home comforts.......(watch this space)

Rich - i think that i am going to have to come up with a new plan about the carpet fraying, thanks for the help and recommendations

Joel - thanks for your comments - im glad to see that some one can see my perspective on things

anyway chaps any further comments are more than welcome, and im sure that some of you with try and go for the knockout

ATB Alex

stevec - 9/7/06 at 09:31 PM

is this what you are aiming for ?Image deleted by owner

omega0684 - 9/7/06 at 09:50 PM

steve i was hoping to go for this on the drivers side

and this in the passengers side

overall effect =

notice how the driver get the luxury one!

ATB Alex

stevec - 9/7/06 at 10:06 PM


stevebubs - 9/7/06 at 10:10 PM

attaching with velcro is (IMHO) essential. That way if you *do* get caught and the car is wet inside, it's a simple matter to pull it all out and hang it up to dry.

graememk - 9/7/06 at 10:52 PM

i've used carpet that the boy racers cover parcel shelves with, i bought an iron from a car boot for 50p and melted the edge with the iron.

DIY Si - 9/7/06 at 11:05 PM

Why I outta.....
Cheeky little so and so. I'll have to come help you build yours, just so I can kick your skiny ar$e up and back down the road!

John22000 - 9/7/06 at 11:13 PM

I've used carpet tiles in mine.....

Cut and placed in between the chassis rails, the hard backing means they dont move about, yet they are easy to lift out if they do get wet.

Don't seem to need binding either.

4 tiles did the whole floor.


INDY BIRD - 11/7/06 at 05:40 PM

i did this very light weight carpet.

velcro down as prev mentioned.

works a treat and is very light.

may look into making sets for mks in the future?????????????????? Rescued attachment indy interior 1.jpg
Rescued attachment indy interior 1.jpg

omega0684 - 14/7/06 at 06:36 PM

how did you do that green trim around the edge of the carpet, that looks excellent and is exactly the sort of thing i am looking to do with mine. could you do some in BRG trim for me

and possibly have DAX on the passenger side and RUSH on the driver side floor?

ATB fellas

[Edited on 14/7/06 by omega0684]

INDY BIRD - 16/7/06 at 05:35 PM

Do not have a template for a rush so would be hard to make.

i have a friend who does carpet whipping thats all it is so most of these places will deff have BRG.

Sorry cannot help as mine is a indy.



BKLOCO - 20/7/06 at 07:31 PM

Rot proof carpet from Woolies.
Fix with carpet tape.
Weighs next to bugger all. Doest't need any edge treatment. Doesn't fray.