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sabelt harnessesesssess
roadrunner - 29/8/06 at 08:02 PM

Does anyone have method of keeping 4 point belts tight while driving , as mine come loose.

andrews_45 - 29/8/06 at 08:13 PM

Pork pies, work for me every time

DIY Si - 29/8/06 at 08:14 PM

They shouldn't come loose at all! But pie eating helps a lot.

Crazy Jay - 29/8/06 at 08:23 PM


roadrunner - 29/8/06 at 08:30 PM

Sounds good to , PIES it is then.

diyer - 29/8/06 at 08:59 PM

To be honest I get the same problem as well...anybody got any serious suggestions?????? he he

Carbonman2 - 29/8/06 at 09:17 PM

try CHIPS instead then

ReMan - 29/8/06 at 11:28 PM

Originally posted by diyer
To be honest I get the same problem as well...anybody got any serious suggestions?????? he he

Me too, i'm fed up with them in a month.
What seems to help is getting them very tight in the first place, not so bad then but they still loosen after a while.
Maybe we should speak to the maufactureres and see what they suggest?

[Edited on 29/8/06 by ReMan]

zetec7 - 30/8/06 at 06:42 AM

I saw some belts once (in a race car, I think) where someone had stitched Velcro onto the back of the nylon pull tabs, and a matching strip onto the belts. Pull down to tighten, stick the Velcro down, belt stays tight.

Chazzy - 30/8/06 at 07:34 AM

I usually only retighten once a trip, i think its due to being settled down into the seat after a few good turns and blasts. keeping tension on the buckle should stop it undoing, ie tight.

I was told to do the lap belt first,tight as poss, then pinch up the shoulder straps.

the velcro would stop me getting whipped by the loose end.

[Edited on 30/8/06 by Chazzy]

rusty nuts - 30/8/06 at 06:55 PM

Tried the self adhesive velcro from Car Builders Solutions , unfortunatly the adhesive isn't too good but it stops the belts loosening and the ends hitting you in the face. Going to try making some elastic straps to do the job

DIY Si - 30/8/06 at 08:21 PM

Can' say I've ever had a harness come loose on me. They do tend to need tightening once or maybe twice, but as said only after you've settled into the seat fully. The harness should hold itself if done up tight enough to start with. I do mine up so it's hard to breathe then back off the slightest bit.

roadrunner - 7/9/06 at 08:22 PM

After trial and error , i've decided , if you keep the lapp belt low and fairly tight , it shoud'nt come loose.

David Jenkins - 8/9/06 at 07:58 AM

I find it best to adjust the lap belt while it's undone - tighten it, try to fasten it, adjust and repeat until I can only just do it up (pies again!). Only then do I pull on the shoulder straps.

There was a BTCC race on TV a couple of months ago: they had a camera in Jason Plato's car and they were showing him doing up his harnesses. He started with his lap belt, tightening it until he could barely fasten it... then he undid it and made it tighter! Only when he'd got the lap belt fully tight did he even start with the other 4 straps.


DarrenW - 8/9/06 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I find it best to adjust the lap belt while it's undone - tighten it, try to fasten it, adjust and repeat until I can only just do it up (pies again!). Only then do I pull on the shoulder straps.

There was a BTCC race on TV a couple of months ago: they had a camera in Jason Plato's car and they were showing him doing up his harnesses. He started with his lap belt, tightening it until he could barely fasten it... then he undid it and made it tighter! Only when he'd got the lap belt fully tight did he even start with the other 4 straps.


This was kind of how i was taught to do them up, albeit not quite as tight on the lap belt.

Ref velcro - B&Q also do a range of velcro, ive used the very heavy duty stuff to good effect before in other uses. For the belts i guess it could also be tacked in place (stitches that is not mig welded!) assuming this doesnt have an impact on the strength of the webbing. Maybe even a few spots of superglu in the corners might help keep it in place (the velcro that is not the seat belts straps!).

DarrenW - 8/9/06 at 10:24 AM

Just thought - are the sliding bits nice and free moving. I noticed on mine they were a bit sticky after driving in wet weather. This might affect how they grip the webbing and hold it tight. Maybe a small amount of vaseline might help.