bit of a strange one this, having bought a part built mk i've inherited a dash with sw gauges mounted behind a panel on which the gauge face will be etched' ( sounds complicated, it is, but it should look good when finished, to get some idea look at mk9r's build site) the problem is the indicator needles have been lost, so has anyone out there got four needles from broken/knackered gauges? it's the 52mm dial size. i'd be grateful because web searches and trips to the scrapyard have come up with nothing, the centre shafts are very fine, smaller than other ones i;ve seen. roger
surely you can just make some needles?
thin plastic rod with hole in the end...
Have a word with ETB. IIRC they recon a number of guages
Alternatively Maplins (? used to) sell little clock kits and had a range of pointers for them. A seconds pointer might be about the right size....
thanks for the suggestions, i've tried the home made ones and to get it perfectly central and the hole so fine is nearly impossible i'll keep looking for solutions