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Win a kit for £1
dozracing - 7/6/04 at 05:29 AM

Hi all,

A new feature to the website is the chance to win a kit for £1 each month.

We are running a raffle which can be entered as many time as you like, from the website or by post. It will be drawn on the 1st of each month and the lucky winner should receive their deluxe starter kit within a couple of weeks.

If the concept proves popular then we will extend the offer to include turnkey cars in the future.

Try your luck at

Kind regards,


Ben_Copeland - 7/6/04 at 06:45 AM

Ooooooooo could be popular !

nicklondon - 7/6/04 at 06:48 AM

i'll have a go

lewis635 - 7/6/04 at 07:34 AM

Fantastic idea, I never win anything but i'll give it a go.

Hellfire - 7/6/04 at 09:07 AM

cracking idea

Originally posted by dozracing
A new feature to the website is the chance to win a kit for £1 each month.

The £1 each month - is that interest free? It'll take me.... erm.... 181 years to pay off

Great idea tho Daz!

Staple balls - 7/6/04 at 09:45 AM

now that's an idea i like

simonH - 7/6/04 at 09:54 AM

so are we gona take it in turns to buy 1 ticket each, each month so that we win , only one entrant only 1 winner. only joking great idea, already bought my tickets

Staple balls - 7/6/04 at 10:12 AM

or we could just buy 2170 tickets each, then we'd always win

[Edited on 7/6/04 by Staple balls]

Ben_Copeland - 7/6/04 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Staple balls
or we could just buy 2170 tickets each, then we'd always win

[Edited on 7/6/04 by Staple balls]

You'd be gutted if you didn't

Staple balls - 7/6/04 at 11:46 AM



JoelP - 7/6/04 at 12:34 PM

the small print says that roughly 1700 tickets need to be sold for the draw to go ahead. Specifically 80% i think it says. So its a bargain unless many thousands buy tickets!

Shaz - 7/6/04 at 12:41 PM

Good Idea!

Shaz - 7/6/04 at 12:56 PM

I think the way the draw work's is:

The sale of tickets has to hit a reserve price, I guess 'the cost of the kit', if ticket sales don't reach the reserve then the winner of the draw collects 80% of the total raffle funds.

I've seen a similiar raffle operate with regards to the sale of houses.

dozracing - 7/6/04 at 05:09 PM

Hi all,

Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence, i hope it works out well coz i think its a lot of fun and the response today has been fantastic.

Just to underline the rules a bit. Basically i need to sell enough tickets to at least break even on the cost of the kit, if this happens then the winner pulled out of a hat wins a kit. If i don't sell enough tickets to break even then 80% of the total amount of money collected goes to the winner, the other 20% goes to Paypal charges and advertising costs etc..

Kind regards,


ned - 23/6/04 at 10:41 AM

There is still time, have you bought your ticket yet?
