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quality control
scoop - 12/8/04 at 08:01 AM

Are those of you who have purchased Darrens stuff happy with the quality of it? Ive bought the dedion and wide front suspension and im gonna have to do a lot of weld polishing before it goes any where near the car and, its not even primmed like everyone elses!

ned - 12/8/04 at 09:15 AM

weld polishing? what are you on about? I have darrens dedion rear end and the quality is excellent. no connection, just a satisfied customer. If you want them primed I guess you could buy the bits elsewhere and pay more for them! I'm probably going ot get my bits powdercoated when i get my chassis done.


SeaBass - 12/8/04 at 11:28 AM

weld polishing?? lol WTF??

Are you chromium plating the dedion tube??

The only polishing my chassis gets is from wet grass and mud. That's fun polishing...


James - 12/8/04 at 11:43 AM

Have to admit that the two De Dion's of GTS' I've seen (Ned's and the one at the Kent show) looked very good to me.

If they'd been available when I started this project I'd have gone with that as opposed to what I've cobbled together.

If you look at this picture of Ned's:

it's not primed either.

I may be wrong but I don't think it says it comes painted on the website does it?

As for weld polishing... not really sure what that is. Do you mean cleaning up the weld? Show us a picture and maybe we can help!

All the best,


Jumpy Guy - 12/8/04 at 01:32 PM

Stuff I've had has been Spotty Dog!!

Never felt the urge to polish any of the welds either.

ned - 12/8/04 at 03:38 PM

Spotty Dog?

I don't recall 'SPOT' ever doing an welding on his show


Toolbox_USA - 12/8/04 at 04:24 PM

my parts were top quality.

The suspension parts came powder coated.

All of the welds on the frame look great. I don't see any need to grind or polish anything at all.

tom_loughlin - 12/8/04 at 05:20 PM

spot on - all bits ive had were fine, a bit delayed, but when they arrived, were pretty damn good.
the powder coating is not as durable as i thought it would be, but i havent got any other manufactureds stuff to compare it with.

hortimech - 12/8/04 at 07:45 PM

powder coating is not all its cracked up to be. metal has to be spotlessly clean before its done, this means no rust etc. If paint starts to lift, it usually comes off in sheets and is a pain to try and paint over by convential means, I know i've tried

scoop - 12/8/04 at 08:15 PM

Well you speak as you find. Darren inferred in messages leading up to delivery that he had changed supplier recently maybe i got the first of a bad batch. I will get a photo attached especially of the top wishbone. Its not pretty. And yes i mean flattening the welds

dozracing - 20/8/04 at 03:38 PM

Hi Scoop,

Who are you?

Really unsure as to what possible problems you may have had. All the parts we make are dressed to remove weld splatter and to take the tops off the welds.

The parts are made by very experienced welders who have vast experience gained from racing.

The part i supply in general are done at a price and provided in a finish to rival the competition.

For example my wishbones undercut Luego, Stuart Taylor etc, and are provided with no primer or powder coating exactly as per these companies.

If i was to prime and powder coat everything then there would be a lead time issue and also a cost issue, and Locosters in general do not want to pay for these luxuries preffering instead to sort these finishes themselves ie spray painting.

The powder coating process that i use for all the kits uses a de-rust wet and dry, de-rust wipe, acid etch, prime and powder coat. This is a drawn out process used to ensure that rust cannot start under the coating and come off.

All kits are supplied with all items powder coated as its a batch cost, so the wishbones etc can be done within the cost of the chassis coating. Remember that the competition charge more for their kits than me and do not include powder coating.

Kind regards,


marktigere1 - 20/8/04 at 03:46 PM

Slightly off topic.

Darren, will you be at Donnington?



dozracing - 20/8/04 at 04:06 PM

I'm not going to Donnington.

I was due to, but, with only two weeks to prepare the car, and with a backlog of orders and 60 sets of shocks to assemble i thought it was better to concentrate on getting orders out.

I've build a stock of racing parts so that i can support the race series for the rest of season, and i intend to build a stock of parts of the rest of my range to take to Exeter in November. This will help make the shows pay for themselves.

Kind regards,


phelpsa - 20/8/04 at 04:26 PM

Welcome back Darren


scoop - 25/8/04 at 08:44 AM

Darren u have a u2u.