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W7DE chassis plans now available
scooby-doo - 22/12/05 at 08:52 PM

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you all know that i have finally finished the chassis drawings for the W7DE car.

If you want a set sent out then email and i'll get it organised.

jestre - 22/12/05 at 10:37 PM

can you post them here?

nludkin - 22/12/05 at 10:45 PM

Can I get a copy too please. I believe Darren owes me a favour or two. Any chance you can ask him to give me a ring as well please mate.

Triton - 22/12/05 at 10:52 PM

Scooby dooby dooooo

Chippy - 22/12/05 at 11:19 PM

I downloaded my from Jim McSorley's site for free, and they are first rate, very detailed.