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New F1-7
Genesis - 3/1/06 at 11:11 PM

Been reading GTSs' website... anyone have any updates on the new F1-7?

Scheduled release end of 2005?


TimC - 4/1/06 at 09:41 AM

Will ask next Wednesday when I go to have a look at GTS.

Deckman001 - 4/1/06 at 09:49 AM

All that for 15K ??? I bet Caterham are getting seriously worried !!!


scotty g - 5/1/06 at 06:30 PM

Spoke to Darren about this when i last saw him at Exeter kit show, apparently its still a way off as he's been snowed under all year.
It does sound like an awesome bit of kit though.

Triton - 5/1/06 at 10:47 PM

Hellfire - 5/1/06 at 10:53 PM

Deckman001 - 5/1/06 at 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Triton

??? know somat ?


Mark Allanson - 5/1/06 at 11:05 PM

caveat emptor (spelling?)

Annoyed - 5/1/06 at 11:10 PM

If wishes were fishes,we'd all cast nets.

Mark Allanson - 5/1/06 at 11:14 PM

How do you catch 'caveats'?

Annoyed - 5/1/06 at 11:16 PM

Use stealth and cunning.......just creep up behind them,empty their wallet,promise delivery andget on with the next scam.

Mark Allanson - 5/1/06 at 11:22 PM

Is that why they 'emptor', I knew Bug Bennetts would be useful one day

Triton - 5/1/06 at 11:26 PM

Triton - 5/1/06 at 11:29 PM

My word annoyed are you perhaps a little annoyed ?

Annoyed - 5/1/06 at 11:34 PM

If only you knew just how annoyed I was.

Gav - 5/1/06 at 11:36 PM

Slighty or really really annoyed?

I myself am moving from slighty to resonably annoyed

Triton - 5/1/06 at 11:40 PM

Anything i could be of assistance with? Even though a bit upside down arse about face at the moment with recent happenings

Gav - 5/1/06 at 11:41 PM

Not unless youve got a little army of engineering elves you could lend darren

Triton - 5/1/06 at 11:43 PM

It's Piskies down here not elves but could always ask

Gav - 5/1/06 at 11:46 PM

as long as they are engineering Piskies, i guess they'd be ok,
Hell evan the odd leprechan(sp?) would do

Triton - 5/1/06 at 11:56 PM

Most definately and damn clever ones too

dozracing - 27/1/06 at 08:52 PM

The F1-7 exists as a design, and several parts exist as prototype pieces, being developed as stand alone projects within other car projects.

There seems little point in producing one at the moment due to the workload we currently have.