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pinto headgaskets free 1.6ltr
dblissett - 15/7/09 at 06:31 PM

i have some pinto head gaskets that have never been used still in the wrapper as the ebay stuff goes
only difference is i dont want anything for them
are they any use to anybody before i stick them in the bin

johhny5 - 15/7/09 at 06:35 PM

U 2U sent , cheers

dblissett - 15/7/09 at 06:42 PM

i have 5 in total so i will send 2 to johny5 and if anyone else wants some give me a shout

DRC INDY 7 - 15/7/09 at 06:55 PM

u2u sent cheers

dblissett - 15/7/09 at 06:58 PM

one left

Tatey - 15/7/09 at 07:22 PM

u2u sent.

dblissett - 15/7/09 at 07:49 PM