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ebay Cortina Uprights
myke pocock - 8/1/11 at 08:56 PM

F** F**** S***, Is this the going rate for Cortina uprights now???? Thank God Ive already built my car.
Ford cortina front supension and brakes,locost,kit car on eBay (end time 05-Feb-11 17:44:12 GMT)

PSpirine - 8/1/11 at 08:59 PM

Can't you get new ones for that much?

austin man - 8/1/11 at 08:59 PM

hope not Ive just sold some including brakes for £100 all in

big_wasa - 8/1/11 at 09:02 PM

Na £75~£100 looks to be where there at

expatkiwi - 8/1/11 at 10:24 PM

I saw some advertised at about £80 and they were manky to say the least.
At least these ones are clean
Cortina front uprights and hubs on eBay (end time 09-Jan-11 07:41:53 GMT)
I should know