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Clocks / Gauges
chris_psmith - 17/6/11 at 07:36 PM

Hi all, quick intro - I am putting a Locost together for the wife of a friend who passed away at Christmas, it was his pride and joy but was in bits all over the garage / shed / garden etc etc, well you get the idea.
It has been a bit of a voyage of discovery, but the car is now in one piece needing a carb tune and mot, then a coat of paint before I hand it back (idea is she can let her daughters use it or sell it when she has had some real time to think). Along with the car there were a number of spares which I want to sell to try and cover the cost of the build (it would be nice to hand it back without a bill - my time is free and i have only had to spend £46 to get it to this stage).
I have limited knowledge about the history of these parts, so if the prices are miles out let me know, if anything isn't working when you get it I will give you your money back.

So we have:
6 off time clocks, all i believe to be new, retail at £96, how about £40 each plus postage?

2 off Amp meters, again look new, retail at £39.60, how about £20 plus postage?

1 off Speedo, I think this has been used, dated as 2008 part number WWG437015009X, these retail at £214 so how about £70 plus postage and if you want it i will throw in a rev counter (used, mounts off bracket not in dash).

Pair of rear lights, look like trailer lights to me, £10 plus postage if any good to anyone, look like new.

Also got a pair of the door things (you know what i mean, weather kit i guess), can't see that it ever fitted this car so will probably sell them later.

Everything in Bromsgrove if you want to collect, will trade anything for some time doing a carb tune....


greenwood03 - 17/6/11 at 11:06 PM

u2u'd on the speedo.....

chris_psmith - 20/6/11 at 05:46 PM

Clocks now £20 plus postage and ammeters £10 plus postage if it helps.


chris_psmith - 22/6/11 at 05:43 AM

Speedo now gone.

I will do an ammeter and clock together for £25 plus postage (or swap for a gear lever gaiter).


chris_psmith - 30/6/11 at 05:55 AM

Only 1 ammeter left.
