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2 Places Car Events - North Weald - friday 11th May
greenwood03 - 8/5/12 at 08:11 PM

hi folks, short notice but i have 2 places booked for this Friday at Nth Weald for one of their car events handling/fun days....
if anyone is interested in 1 or both then give me a shout asap. Origianl cost from memory was £40 each, happy to recoup half of that, otherwise will have to go and rag the tin top.....

eddie99 - 8/5/12 at 08:31 PM

Hi Mark,
I'll take one of them, possibly 2 if no other interest???

greenwood03 - 8/5/12 at 08:36 PM

eddie - consider one of them yours, can you pm me your details and car details and will sort the change of info out tomorrow.

eddie99 - 8/5/12 at 08:41 PM

Just ringing around now to take 2nd spot, u2u will be in your inbox tonight