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Scroth Hans Device brand new
Custardpants - 3/1/13 at 07:26 PM

Selling as I've injured my arm and won't get a chance to use it now. 20 degree version for normal non-formula use. It's brand new, and in immaculate condition complete with storage bag. These go for £355 from demontweeks, happy to let it go for £219 ono. Just about to put it on ebay.

Duncan36 - 4/1/13 at 04:27 PM

what size is it?

Custardpants - 4/1/13 at 07:38 PM

Medium, you'd need a body builder's neck to warrant the size large (tried a size large one on in demon tweeks- it was huge)

westy turbo - 5/1/13 at 06:35 AM

Still here?

Custardpants - 13/1/13 at 04:22 PM

Yes, also now on ebay

Schroth 20° Sport Hans Device Medium M Race/Rally Driver Neck Protection

westy turbo - 13/1/13 at 07:06 PM

nothing comes up...

ChrisLeary - 13/1/13 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by westy turbo
nothing comes up...

Link works for me.
