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Prop from MK Indy R, Yamaha R1 BEC for sale
RaveyDaveyDave - 27/9/14 at 02:10 PM

As above, have had this in my garage for a while now due to changing to a TRT one whilst assessing and improving loads of parts on my MK. Thought I would put on here to see if its any good for somebody during a build. Haven't got a lot of info on it, but if you U2U me I can help with any other info you might need

[Edited on 27/9/14 by RaveyDaveyDave]

[Edited on 27/9/14 by RaveyDaveyDave]

[Edited on 27/9/14 by RaveyDaveyDave]

teegray19 - 27/9/14 at 04:03 PM

U2u sent

RaveyDaveyDave - 27/9/14 at 10:43 PM

U2u back