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Westfield SEI
benedwards64 - 25/6/17 at 07:41 PM

On eBay: Westfield SEI - 2 Litre Twin Cam

Located near Oxford. Any questions let me know

[Edited on 25/6/17 by benedwards64]

Nickp - 26/6/17 at 03:14 PM

Sorry to hear you're selling it Ben

I rebuilt the engine in this if anyone is interested in buying and would like some more details?

benedwards64 - 26/6/17 at 03:34 PM

Thanks Nick - will be sorry to see it go, but after three years of fun I think it's time for a change. Aside from anything else I'd like to be able to put some more money to put into the house!

Meant to say - let me know if I've left anything out of the engine specs. I think it's all there

Nickp - 26/6/17 at 04:35 PM

Needs must eh mate?

I'd just like to add that the Volumex head used was previously on my Monte and made 150bhp using std cams and CR. So yours should be good for 170-180bhp I reckon. The next engine I did with the same pistons, slightly hotter cams and mapped ignition made 194bhp

benedwards64 - 30/6/17 at 08:32 AM

Still available. New car has been purchased, so I could use the space!