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Mogmand - 15/3/23 at 03:43 PM

Sykes Pickavant Model 230A Professional brake pipe flaring tool. Makes single and double flares in 3/16" and 1/4" pipe. 1 careful owner for years, all the mandrels still have the end pips intact! Case looks a bit rusty outside. (New SP tool now over £200). £48
Gunson Eezibleed kit, Brake piston push back tool, 2 brake hose clamps. Box of 3/16" and 1/4" brake pipe unions, both brass and plated, banjos & banjo bolts, brass 3 & 4-way 'T'-pieces. Small amount of Kunifer and copper pipe. £35 the lot
Photos available, please let me have an email address.

Jaymaxi - 15/3/23 at 10:16 PM

I'd be interested in the lot, and arrange collection, John

J90rdn - 20/3/23 at 08:44 AM

Hi. Is the flaring tool still available?

Mogmand - 22/3/23 at 10:00 AM

All the brake parts and tools now sold. Thanks for the interest.