Sykes Pickavant Model 230A Professional brake pipe flaring tool. Makes single and double flares in 3/16" and 1/4" pipe. 1 careful owner for
years, all the mandrels still have the end pips intact! Case looks a bit rusty outside. (New SP tool now over £200). £48
Gunson Eezibleed kit, Brake piston push back tool, 2 brake hose clamps. Box of 3/16" and 1/4" brake pipe unions, both brass and plated,
banjos & banjo bolts, brass 3 & 4-way 'T'-pieces. Small amount of Kunifer and copper pipe. £35 the lot
Photos available, please let me have an email address.
I'd be interested in the lot, and arrange collection, John
Hi. Is the flaring tool still available?
All the brake parts and tools now sold. Thanks for the interest.