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Wanted Sierra 4x4 rad
mikeb - 2/7/08 at 10:05 AM

I have done a deal with a friend.
If find a rad for his sierra 4x4 (he has two).
he'll let me nick bits of the scrapper one.
Complete rear axle assembly coming my way!
Only prob is I can't find a cheap rad, anyone know of any cheap sources, was hoping for the £20-30 range.


wilkingj - 2/7/08 at 10:07 AM

And where abouts are you located?

I have a Sierra Rad with twin Fans on it.

mikeb - 2/7/08 at 10:09 AM

near wellingborough so not too far.
Will this fit a 4x4 sierra?
I'm assuming its a 2.8 but waiting for confirmation!