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Book 1 wishbones with Self Centre
Jumpy Guy - 14/5/09 at 09:54 AM

I know that there are a hundred posts on this, and new dimensions etc, but i dont have time to remake wishbones.

So, who supplies book 1 dimension wishbones, with either modified geometry, or adjuster system to give me some self centring?

Any recommendations??

mad-butcher - 14/5/09 at 12:39 PM

Try wozsher on here, made me a fully adjustable set for the indy, I assume you mean the build a sports car and race it for £250 book, are you using the rubber bushes and would you be wanting them with full camber adjustment

MK Wishbones

For Haynes Roadster

[Edited on 14/5/09 by mad-butcher]

[Edited on 14/5/09 by mad-butcher]

Jumpy Guy - 14/5/09 at 12:54 PM

Yep, the original book wishbones are smaller than the later versions

I looked at Warrens wishbones, and they llok ideal, but not cheap.....

I'm not sure i need all the rose joints and adjustments - something fixed but with the correct geometry would probably be good enough

mad-butcher - 14/5/09 at 01:24 PM

this type
rubber or poly bushes

tony Rescued attachment book 1.jpg
Rescued attachment book 1.jpg

Jumpy Guy - 14/5/09 at 05:50 PM

Yep, like that

But with the correctly modified dimensions to allow proper self centring...

chrisg - 14/5/09 at 06:28 PM

I wasn't aware that the Locost has self centreing problems, isn't it more to do with the Sierra geometry not the Cortina?



Jumpy Guy - 14/5/09 at 08:05 PM

I have book standard wishbones, and absolutely no self centering.

At SVA, the tester put some lock on the steering and let go, and the car continued driving perfect circles............

rusty nuts - 14/5/09 at 08:09 PM

Are you using the Sierra steering column bush? See Mr Hendersons thread about a column bearing. Did mine last week and found self centering vastly improved due to the column not binding on the bush.

chrisg - 14/5/09 at 08:14 PM

It is unusual, my own locost had a very strong self centreing action and it's not come up within the club.

can you get any adjustment using washers to move the top wishbone back?

Also have you tried the steering with the wheels off the ground, sometimes this can be caused by some tightness in the steering column or rack.



Jumpy Guy - 16/5/09 at 06:25 PM

I can turn the steering easily from a wheel with the car jacked up.

One question, and it might sound stupid, but what way round do the wishbones go?

short or long edge forward?

I dont have my copy of the book handy, and i suppose i could have fitted them the wrong way?

chrisg - 16/5/09 at 09:21 PM

Longer leg to the front, that would certainly do it if you've got them on the wrong way!



MikeRJ - 16/5/09 at 11:29 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
I wasn't aware that the Locost has self centreing problems,

The book design was the original "no self centring" problem; the design has inadequate castor built in. This is why either re-designed top bones are needed, or moving the standard bones back as long as there are no clearance issues with the spring.

Jumpy Guy - 17/5/09 at 08:17 AM

To be honest, I'd always thought that the self centring WAS a 'book 1' problem.

I know that I nearly fixed it about four years ago, but lost the jigs I made to fabricate replacment wishbones.....

James - 1/7/09 at 02:46 PM

There's certainly a very well documented mistake in the 2nd edition, so I'd imagine it's in the 1st edition too.

They've messed up their degrees and equivalent mm figures or it's printed as half what it should be in the design plan. The upper bone should have 22mm offset for Cortina front with Escort rear setup

It's 25mm with the 4" wider (Sierra rear) track.

Hope that helps,

Mark Allanson - 2/7/09 at 08:05 PM

out with the old drawing again! Rescued attachment Wisbone Modification.JPG
Rescued attachment Wisbone Modification.JPG