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Yokohama A520
ChrisW - 28/4/04 at 05:24 PM

Long shot I know but has anyone got or know a supplier of a new or part worn Yoko A520 in 195x45x15? Reason I ask is one of mine has a nail in it and, as they're not available any more, I have to buy an A539 instead (or rather a pair - can't have odd tyres can we!). All four have loads of tred left so it seems a shame I have to 'waste' one


200mph - 28/4/04 at 06:09 PM

not pluggable then? a place up near me was selling A520's a while back, I'll check with them tomorrow see if they still do them. They may have a branch down south.


ChrisW - 28/4/04 at 11:38 PM

No, nail is right on the edge where the tread meets the sidewall. Apparently it can't be fixed.

Would be appreciated if you would check your local place
