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1.9" x 7" x 300lb springs wanted
athoirs - 9/8/10 at 03:45 PM

Hi guys

Just in the off chance someone might have a pair of springs about.

RD are out of stock Merlin are going to be about £60!


a tight scotsman ( Andy)

matt_gsxr - 9/8/10 at 04:45 PM

I have some 275's can measure length when I get home if these are any use.


deltron63 - 9/8/10 at 06:15 PM

you might be in luck, but i can't look until the morning

athoirs - 10/8/10 at 04:01 PM

thanks guys! I need 300lb as I have 250 and 350 springs - just trying to get the car set up the way I want.

thanks again
