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Wind Deflectors
wonderfulweasel - 1/9/11 at 08:24 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a pair of wind deflectors for my Westfield. They are small extensions of the windscreen made of perspex I think. I've seen them called 'wind wings' for Cobras.

I've seen them advertised on Ebay intermittently, but haven't seen any on there for a while. Does anyone on here make them? If not does anyone know where might supply them (I've googled without success)?

Thanks in advance.

austin man - 1/9/11 at 08:29 PM

simple enough to make using Lexan or perspex

Greenie - 2/9/11 at 04:25 AM

Also known as "Elephants Ears" as above simple to make from a piece of perspex and a pair of friction hinges.

Follow this and there is picture in the MODS page

johnq - 2/9/11 at 10:39 AM

try stevel on the wscc website he mahes them and they are a nice job,