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Does anyone have a cheap Mountain Bike for sale at all please?
Steve Hignett - 7/12/11 at 11:49 PM

Hi there,

I'd really like to get hold of a Mountain Bike for myself and one for the wife too.

As we all would, I'd love a really decent one (don't need/want any suspension, but don't mind if "your's" has it), but the problem with buying a decent one is they tend to cost decent money, and as some of you know I've been unemployed for more of this year than I've been working, so money is just a tad tighter than usual!

Anyway, there is a amother reason that I'd like a decent one, but can't justify it and that's the fact that it won't be used!!!
I don't intend to use it more than to nip around and about (my parents live a 1/4 mile away for eg) that sort of trip etc, but the actual intended use will be to cycle with my boy when he's old enough (20 months at the mo) and a 2nd reason is that I'd like to take a couple of bikes with us when we go camping... (I was given one of those baby carriers for the back of a bike so that's cool for Josef until he can ride himself)

So, whatcha got?
Alternatively, does anyone know of a range of bikes, or model of bikes that are generally a good second-hand buy via ebay? That way, I can search for a brand or model of bike within xx miles of my postcode and keep searching until I land a bargain...
The reason I'm asking this bit is because I know nothing about bikes, and would much rather buy a cheap second-hand bike from "you" or via ebay, that is 8 years old (for eg) than end up with a cheapy Halfords jobby that weighs a tonne!

Cheers and thanks in advance,


dhutch - 8/12/11 at 12:05 AM

Steve. Dont have anything to offer myself, but the specilised hardrock is a very common staple. The names being going for 40 years as their entry spec hardtail, but i wouldnt go older than about 5years. The sport is £350 new so second hand ones can be had for under £100, comp a bit more, pro is about £550new. The next in the spesh line is the rockhopper, often a bit more, but you might find a bargin.

Other names, trek, scott, giant, gary fisher, kona, cannondale, claud butlerm, orange, even a saracen.
For your usage/budget you want to keep well away from full-suspension which will jsut add weight, but its fiarly hard to avoid front now.

Whats you inside leg, a 17inch frame wouldnt be an million miles off, depending on how you like the fit.

Oh, and congratulations on child.


cliftyhanger - 8/12/11 at 05:22 AM

I was talking to a matey when we were out running over the south downs last weekend. The subject of bikes came up, he enjoys offroad stuff and always has an expensive bike, however he is a very aggressive rider.
Back to the point. For the vast majority of riding almost ANY bike will be fine. You have to spend serious cash to make noticeable improvements (he did mention avoiding the real cheapo bikes) but they won't fall apart, won't constantly go wrong (very expensive bikes do that bit!) and will perform just fine.
I bought a claude butler bike about 10 years ago, cost £150 as "last seasons model" Never had any problems at all, and it sounds like it gets similar use to what you intend. Currently has a huge basket on the back, so I can ride to "work" in central Brighton (2-3 miles) as parking is a nightmare. I often carry largeish tools, drills, circular saws and so on, but only one at a time. Never dared try a 10L bucket of paint though. Plus my lunch etc.
If getting used, good bikes are available for little money. Many are bought with good intentions and end up in the shed.

zilspeed - 8/12/11 at 05:54 AM

Register for your local freecycle group and then go on and ask for bikes.

Suggest to folks that they've got bikes lying in their sheds doing nothing and you'd be glad to take them off their hands.

I've had, I think, four this way.

Also, your local gumtree.
Prices are much more realistic than ebay and they're local.
My wife's and daughter's bikes between them cost me £60.

My own mountain bike cost me zero as a long term loan / never ever give it back, from my brother.

You have to be resourceful :-)

zilspeed - 8/12/11 at 06:00 AM

Here you go. r/92619731

nick205 - 8/12/11 at 08:15 AM

What's your rough budget Steve?

Steve Hignett - 8/12/11 at 01:36 PM

two thirds of sweet Football Association... I'm afraid...

I basically asked the question to see if anyone had anything and then with the hope of getting a couple quid from my Bday and Xmas, I was going to pay/buy then...

I'm sure I could rustle up something for the right bike etc, but like Daniel said in the 1st reply, if I can get a XYZ bike and model that once cost £350 - £500, for now less than £100 then that's the kind of bike I'm after!

Cheers everyone for your helpful advice so far!


Daf - 8/12/11 at 03:17 PM

I'm very into my bikes and surprisingly one very good bike I've used in the past before I spent big money on them was the Carerra Kracken, it's actually a Halford bike so many people tend to snub them.

It's relatively light, cheap second hand and astonishingly robust - it stood up to me riding it on the local trail twice a week for a good 18 months - even now there's nothing wrong with it! The only thing I upgraded was the brakes.

For example:

I paid £120 for mine S/H about three years ago

[Edited on 8/12/11 by Daf]

PSpirine - 8/12/11 at 03:26 PM


Carrera, Giant, Specialized and Treks all come up on ebay for <£150 at one point or another. As someone said, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference until you get serious - just look for one in decent condition.

Do register on freecycle- you may not get a pukka bike but you may be able to get one that needs little bits doing to it. It's all generally very easy to work on and you can find bits for absolute peanuts. Plus quite satisfying.

If you register on the mountain biking forum (can't remember the name off the top of my head.. ??) there are plenty of bargains to be had, and people are quite responsive to "Wanted" ads so should be able to help you out.