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WTD: GSXR trumpets
ChrisLeary - 4/4/12 at 10:14 AM

Morning all,

I wondered if anyone would have a set of gsxr k6 k7 600 (not sure if it makes a difference) inlet trumpets they would like to part company with? The money is waiting!

I need a set to fit a trumpet filter. Otherwise I think it's going to be a case of buying an airbox from ebay and they don't seem cheap.

Thanks in advance,


matt_gsxr - 4/4/12 at 12:26 PM

What is the o.d. on the TBI. I have a few random suzuki trumpets around and can take a look.

Good to see the car coming together again.


yorkshire-engines - 4/4/12 at 02:53 PM

Hi iv got some you can have around £25 inc pp
full set with clips cheers malc 07960011585