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Bogg bros Crossflow manifold
Leyther - 8/7/12 at 04:42 PM

Looking to convert my crossflow to Bike carbs, anybody got a manifold ?
Will consider complete set up if the price is right.
Let me know what you have.

rusty nuts - 8/7/12 at 05:25 PM

If it's any help I made my own Xflow manifold for TBs by using a piece of 12 mm ally (I had it so used it), scribed around an inlet manifold gasket and cut to shape using a woodworking coping saw and plenty of cutting lube, turned up the stubs fromb a lump of ally bar that I had and got a mate to weld it together . Total cost about £35. Helps if the flange is bolted to a spare head when welding to reduce distortion

PS David Jenkings website might help?

[Edited on 8/7/12 by rusty nuts]