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Ron Champion book
coozer - 15/7/12 at 02:10 PM

Ron's locost book CHEAP wanted.. WHY???

Not Anumber - 15/7/12 at 02:23 PM


austin man - 15/7/12 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Ron's locost book CHEAP wanted.. WHY???

Is it the complete book you need or a particular section Coozer

kirkb82 - 15/7/12 at 03:47 PM

Hi there, I have one. was going to build Ron's but changed my mind and building a Chris Gibbs instead!

Cost me £35 + P+P.

Call me 07890 264 112

steve m - 15/7/12 at 04:05 PM

"Cost me £35 + P+P. "

blimey, my used book 1 should be worth £1000

wilkingj - 15/7/12 at 04:10 PM

It was fetching silly prices a while back...

But now its back to sensible prices:

Build Your Own Sports Car for as Little as £250 by Ron Champion - Kit Car Plans | eBay

Build Your Own Sports Car for as little as £250*Haynes manual book*Ron Champion 9780854299768 | eBay

coozer - 15/7/12 at 04:11 PM

Thinking od building a midi and using some of the geometry's, just want to have a read through it and see how it is..

slingshot2000 - 15/7/12 at 04:34 PM


I have both the Ron Champion books here, and you are more then welcome to borrow them. I trust you know all about the faults in the geometry that are included in the original design?


tomgregory2000 - 15/7/12 at 04:48 PM

I have a copy somewhere that you can have for free, I'll have a look for it

chillis - 15/7/12 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Thinking od building a midi and using some of the geometry's, just want to have a read through it and see how it is..

The ron champion geometry was none too clever IIRC. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to copy it.

scoop - 18/7/12 at 04:21 PM

Agree with that. Look up the mcsorley plans. Free on line and all the right angles

steve m - 18/7/12 at 05:04 PM

" The ron champion geometry was none too clever IIRC. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to copy it."

so basicly all home made cars, that were made to the book specs, are shite then ??

people in glass houses .....................................

chillis - 18/7/12 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by steve m
" The ron champion geometry was none too clever IIRC. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to copy it."

so basicly all home made cars, that were made to the book specs, are shite then ??

people in glass houses .....................................

Where in my post have I used these words? "so basicly all home made cars, that were made to the book specs, are shite"

The deficiencies of both the champion and gibbs suspension geometry's are well known about indeed it is refered to elsewhere in this thread!
Scoop wrote "Agree with that. Look up the mcsorley plans. Free on line and all the right angles

As for "people in glass houses " you'll have to explain that 'cos it makes no sense to me.

FWIW Why would you want to include in your new design someone elses compromised design especially when those issues are well known.
And yes having worked in automotive R&D including suspension and ride and handling I do have some idea of what I'm talking about!!!

scoop - 19/7/12 at 08:50 PM

Shouldn't throw stones. To finish it off.
A little harsh?

Minicooper - 19/7/12 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by chillis

Where in my post have I used these words? "so basicly all home made cars, that were made to the book specs, are shite"

The deficiencies of both the champion and gibbs suspension geometry's are well known about indeed it is refered to elsewhere in this thread!
Scoop wrote "Agree with that. Look up the mcsorley plans. Free on line and all the right angles

As for "people in glass houses " you'll have to explain that 'cos it makes no sense to me.

FWIW Why would you want to include in your new design someone elses compromised design especially when those issues are well known.
And yes having worked in automotive R&D including suspension and ride and handling I do have some idea of what I'm talking about!!!

Don't tell me the gibbs haynes roadster isn't very good either, I have just finished doing it!!


[Edited on 20/7/12 by Minicooper]

steve m - 20/7/12 at 08:06 AM

I did not like the comment
" The ron champion geometry was none too clever IIRC. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to copy it."

If the chassis is supposed to be that bad, why is there a locost racing series, using this exact chassis, plus deritives
why are there 1000's of locosts worldwide, probably an awfull lot more than that now, as the last news letter i recieved
had that figure, and was 2003

This site, locost builders was originly created by Chris w, for the use and share of knowledge in the building these cars, from the book, and possibly partly to correct some of the anomolies, in the earlier editions
later as the years went on other builders of kit cars etc came into the site, and that has added an extra wealth of knowledge to the site, some very very good, and some very bad!

My car, is built as per book one plans, and the only errors that i managed to correct were chassis tube length measurments that were incorrect, also a bit vague in area's that needed more thought

The Ron Champion books, never said that it would be the best handling car ever, or anything of the like, the books were purely for a couple of girls and guys like myself to create their own car to their own spec, and enjoy the car for exactly that

My car seems to handle fine, and would be even better if i took the 205/13 tyres off and added 175/13, somthing i may do in the future apart from that, my car feels well sorted, and minor adjustments like adjustable rear five link suspension, transformed the original handling to a much better one now

The glass house comment, i will appolgse for, but was written as it does not appear, that you are building anything, so i believe your original comment to be flawed

In my view, the Locost chassis and suspension design is a very good compromise between costs and handling, there may be better designs, a Caterham for instance, but this is not what building a Locost is all about



[Edited on 20/7/12 by steve m]

chillis - 20/7/12 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I did not like the comment
" The ron champion geometry was none too clever IIRC. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to copy it."

If the chassis is supposed to be that bad, why is there a locost racing series, using this exact chassis, plus deritives
why are there 1000's of locosts worldwide, probably an awfull lot more than that now, as the last news letter i recieved
had that figure, and was 2003

This site, locost builders was originly created by Chris w, for the use and share of knowledge in the building these cars, from the book, and possibly partly to correct some of the anomolies, in the earlier editions
later as the years went on other builders of kit cars etc came into the site, and that has added an extra wealth of knowledge to the site, some very very good, and some very bad!

My car, is built as per book one plans, and the only errors that i managed to correct were chassis tube length measurments that were incorrect, also a bit vague in area's that needed more thought

The Ron Champion books, never said that it would be the best handling car ever, or anything of the like, the books were purely for a couple of girls and guys like myself to create their own car to their own spec, and enjoy the car for exactly that

My car seems to handle fine, and would be even better if i took the 205/13 tyres off and added 175/13, somthing i may do in the future apart from that, my car feels well sorted, and minor adjustments like adjustable rear five link suspension, transformed the original handling to a much better one now

The glass house comment, i will appolgse for, but was written as it does not appear, that you are building anything, so i believe your original comment to be flawed

In my view, the Locost chassis and suspension design is a very good compromise between costs and handling, there may be better designs, a Caterham for instance, but this is not what building a Locost is all about



[Edited on 20/7/12 by steve m]

Steve, you have been trolling for an arguement on this from the start.

I could respond to your slagging of me but it would just make you look stupid and be cringeworthy for everyone else.
Do not u2u me again as I will delete your messages without reading.

To the original poster I must appologise for the way your thread has been hyjacked.
To Clarify my first post. Both the Gibbs roadster and the Champion locost have known issues with the front suspension/steering geometry. Both of which are well documented. The point I didn't make very well was why would you want to copy a flawed design in your new project when you could either design something better/design out the flaws or copy a better design such as the Mac sorly that several other have indicated in this post. (Unlike the champion locost I have no experience with the mac sorly so I'm only going on what others have posted in this thead.)

steve m - 20/7/12 at 02:24 PM

So, i appologise, and still get flamed,


chillis - 20/7/12 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by steve m
So, i appologise, and still get flamed,


"it does not appear, that you are building anything, so i believe your original comment to be flawed "

You expected me not to take offence?

You don't know me or what I have built over that last 30 years either privately or proffessionally but you are able to make this statement and others as you try to discredit me.
You are clearly unable to accept critisism of the champion locost despite known evidence - get over it!

FYI: I have built a champion roadster from the very first edition book and had completed it, registered it, driven it, competed in it and sold it before you completed yours!

Now this is getting way off the thread and I'm bored of being trolled. You had your feed.....

Not Anumber - 20/7/12 at 10:32 PM

Hey guys dont forget this forum can be googled by anyone- if you want to put people off the idea of building their own car and regarding this forum as a good source of data , well by all means carry on chaps.