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Type 9 rebuilder...
cps13 - 17/4/13 at 09:21 PM

Does anybody know a good company to rebuild type 9 boxes. I have two partially stripped boxes which I can't even sell for £30 as no wants to take the risk... in fairness, I wouldn't!!

So, I might get them professionally rebuilt and sell them. Anybody know anyone good?


snakebelly - 17/4/13 at 09:56 PM

Where abouts are you? We use Roger Bayliss Transmissions in Cradley Heath if that's anywhere near you. Good old school gearbox man who does good work for a reasonable price.

spiderman - 17/4/13 at 11:13 PM


Not cheap though.

Ian.C - 18/4/13 at 05:48 AM

Do you know if all the parts stripped from the gearboxes are present, did you dissmantle them and where are you located.

cliftyhanger - 18/4/13 at 05:54 AM

Where are you?may be interested!

BTW I very much doubt you would even get your money back on a rebuilt T9. However, a rebuilder may be interested in buying them in as core stock

ryanill - 18/4/13 at 07:31 AM

Are they 4 or 5 speed ?

cps13 - 18/4/13 at 12:19 PM

They are both 5 speed.

All parts present, I took them apart with the intetion of changing gaskets etc then just bought one! One has had the bolts removed which holds the section on over the shaft which connects to the prop shaft. The second is more dismantled but all bits present.

I'm in southampton but do sometimes spend a weekend up in Chorleywood (Herts).
