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renetom - 26/4/13 at 08:55 AM


twybrow - 26/4/13 at 09:49 AM

Ha ha!

Chris - WTF is going on? Why are there so many people who are still waiting for items and an apology from you?

johnay - 26/4/13 at 11:23 AM


jps - 26/4/13 at 12:58 PM

Hmm... Looks like Chris hasn't posted for nearly 3 weeks. Perhaps he hasn't seen the latest round of requests for a refund? Is anyone in contact with him off-line? Perhaps there's a reason we don't know about that he hasn't been in contact?

renetom - 27/4/13 at 04:41 PM

Maybe he's sold 100,000 T shirts & done a runner.
a cool million ?, tempting .

renetom - 27/4/13 at 04:41 PM

Maybe he's sold 100,000 T shirts & done a runner.
a cool million ?, tempting .