Anyone got doors/ hood for a striker taking up space in their garage?
I've already got a full screen and some doors which have been partly chopped down by previous owner so I can't mount to my screen in current
condition. I might be able to make use of the doors eventually but don't think I'll be able to make them look good with freehand
fibreglassing so would be interested in a matched set of weather gear ideally.
What have you got?
Might be worth giving Raw a call on the offchance, they commonly seem to have spare second hand parts lying around....
cheers Andy, I'll give them a try when I get a moment.
I think full doors will give a better protection than the half doors you were planning to make and will suit my hopes and dreams for the car a bit
better as I really want to get it abroad next summer for some touring (hence plans for a boot box etc).