i am looking for a small front number plate i have seen a lot of dino replicas with them anyone know anymore?
for "show use" only as an illgal size, motorbike place do small rears, do they do fronts as well, not for bikes obviously but might be able
to get he white back plate?!
nice one thanks
Run by a mate of mine. He's made a few plates for me and they've been top knotch.
Cheers, Chris
Havent you broken enough things this week?
More on your plate! lol
"£40 quid fixed penualty" that was for
a small rear, Bobby want interested in
my tiny front plate. Rotten Git
I found out from Superintendent that a small front (or rear) plate was a non-endorsable fixed penalty, which means can lead to a heafty fine, plus
points, poss worse. That's the the letter of the law, I suppose if you catch the traffic cop on a good day (or if he got a jump the night
I'm not risking it, as we're moving house soon, and I'll be living opposite a traffic cop!
[Edited on 8/12/04 by Northy]