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ITB's / Carbs/ Supercharger?/ecu's
AndyW - 1/9/15 at 06:26 PM

Building another blacktop zetec and wanted to know what anyone might have laying about with regards to fuelling. Its a standard 2.0 blacktop and rather than building another standard ford ecu set up (although easy and iva friendly) I would rather have ITB's or carbs or even a supercharger. Engine wont need IVA so emissions not an issue.

The standard setup I have on my car is around 130bhp and would like to build something with quite abit more on this one.

Just seeing what people have laying about unused and for reasonable money before I buy a new set of something and get into the **** with the misses....



bi22le - 1/9/15 at 07:04 PM

Aquire Escort RST bits and do a turbo build?

Andybarbet - 1/9/15 at 08:40 PM

Hi Andy,
My son still has these if they are any good ?
He has just this week finally got a pair of twin strombergs for his imp so he won't be using these now.

He needs the cash for the bodywork as panels for the imp are a tadger expensive for a 15 year old.

Rob Allison - 8/9/15 at 12:43 AM

I have a supercharger if your interested